Brake Repair in Centralia and Rochester, WA
What types of brake systems does my car have?
Your vehicle has an anti-lock braking system, which allows you to steer as your brakes are engaged. In addition to this, most cars have two or three types of brake systems. If any of these brake systems are wearing out, it is crucial to bring your car in to Auto Tech Services of Centralia and Rochester for an inspection before their condition worsens. These brake systems are:
- Disc Brakes
If you look through one of your car's wheels, you will see a shiny metal disc just inside. This is called a disc brake. When the driver steps on the brake pedal, a pad of hard-wearing material clamps onto the brake disc and rubs it to make it slow down—in a similar way to bicycle brakes.
- Drum Brakes
Some cars have disc brakes on all four wheels, while others have disc brakes on their front wheels and drum brakes on their back wheels. Instead of the disc and brake pad, drum brakes have shoes inside the drum that press outwards. As the shoes push into the wheel, friction slows you down.
- Parking Brake
Your vehicle's parking brake applies force to the disc or drum brakes in a slower, less forceful way via a lever that's usually located between your car's two front seats. When you pull on the brake, a system of levers tugs on a pair of sturdy cables that apply the brakes to the back wheels. Older parking brake systems are completely mechanical and do not use brake fluid like the disk and drum brakes, so it can be used as an emergency brake (with great care) when the other brake systems fail. Many newer vehicles use an electronic parking brake, which is similar, but often use electronic motors to engage the parking brake.
How do I know if I need to bring my vehicle in for brake service or repair?
Taking care of your brakes is crucial to maintaining a safe driving experience for you and your passengers. It is a feature you use every day, and even a slight change can indicate something is wrong. If your vehicle’s brakes are performing poorly and you are in Rochester, Washington or Southwest Region, it is imperative that you bring your car to Auto Tech Services of Centralia and Rochester for an inspection. Some warning signs include:
- The brake light on your dashboard turns on and stays on.
If this happens, first make sure your handbrake is not engaged. If your brake light stays on, your vehicle is telling you it is time for an inspection, and/or there is a problem with your brakes.
- Your car pulls to one side when braking.
One brake system may be working more efficiently than the other, causing your vehicle to pull to one side when braking.
- Your brake pedal feels soft or spongy.
If you notice a difference in the resistance in the brake pedal — it feels “softer,” or sinks all the way to the floor mat when you press on it — it’s a sign you need immediate service. There could be air or moisture in the braking system or a problem with the master cylinder.
- Your brakes are squeaking, grinding, or squealing.
If you hear a high-pitched noise when applying your brakes, it likely means that your brake pads, or shoes have worn out. This could also cause a grinding sound, with or without pushing on the brake pedal; a grinding sound could also indicate a lack of lubrication in vehicles with rear drum brakes.
- Your ABS light is on, or flashing on your instrument panel
ABS stands for Anti-Lock Braking System. If the light is on, or flashing while your car, truck, or SUV is on, it means there is a malfunction and needs attention. If your ABS light is on, give Auto Tech Services of Centralia and Rochester a call so we can diagnose, and repair the issue.
If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, do not hesitate to bring your vehicle to Auto Tech Services of Centralia and Rochester today! We will make sure your shocks and struts work. We can also perform other services you may need, like scheduled maintenance, tune-ups, and engine repair, Diagnostics, Repair, or Alignment Service.
Your Reliable Shop for Brake Repair
We recommend that you get your car’s brakes inspected once a year. If you are in Washington, Michigan Hill, Washington, Maytown, Washington, Littlerock, Washington, or surrounding areas, you can bring your car to Auto Tech Services of Centralia and Rochester. Since 2010, we've used the highest-quality tools and parts to make the appropriate fixes to ensure you get back on the road quickly and safely. We will perform a complete brake diagnostic to determine if the issue is coming from your Acura's brake pads, your Audi's rotors, your BMW's fluid, your Buick's master cylinder, or somewhere else. Reasons You Should Do Business With Us:
At Auto Tech Services of Centralia and Rochester, we pride ourselves in providing thorough and transparent assessments of the vehicles we service, so don’t hesitate to bring your vehicle in for an inspection today. If you are in the 98579 area or nearby, you can give us a call or schedule an appointment with us online - Auto Tech Services of Centralia and Rochester - Maintenance is easy to schedule... Breakdowns are not!.